It’s time, everyone! I have officially changed and solidified (for now) my book rating system. I get a lot of questions about why I score so many books as 4 and 5 stars. The reason? I tend to DNF books I would rate lower unless I have promised to review them, and round up from any half ratings on GoodReads and Amazon specifically. If I’d score a book a 1 or 2, I may leave a review but without the stars.
This is for the author’s sake. As someone who dabbled in creative writing, writing a full novel is a HARD endeavor. Books are so wonderfully subjective that I would not want to drag a new author's average rating because it personally was not my cup of tea.
Having said that, most books I commit to reading are generally books in genres or with premises I think I will enjoy. I’m picky about this because I want an engaging read so I can support that author.
Without further ado, here is the new Ann-otated Books grading scale. Below are ten categories with ten possible points each. The points are summed and the results give me a letter grade. The letter grade equates to stars. Got it?
Category 1: Characters
Do I like the main characters?
If they are intentionally unlikeable, am I rooting for them anyway?
Do I like the voice the author uses for them?
Do I appreciate their perspective?
Do they develop?
Is the cast of characters diverse?
Are they relatable on some level?
Category 2: Premise & Originality
Was this a unique, cool idea for a story?
If it was a familiar premise, was there something new and exciting?
I need something different that will stick with me to give this a 10.
Category 3: Plot & Execution of Premise
Did the author pull the premise off?
Was the author too ambitious?
Did the author play it too safe?
Was there enough focus on the cool premise or did it end up being something in the background?
Category 4: Writing Style
Can this person write coherently?
Was I highlighting sentences thinking “Wow, so profound!”
Was I rolling my eyes at all the dialogue?
Were there more ellipses than words?
Was there a lot more telling than showing?
Category 5: Pacing
Did the story move at an appropriate pace? I tend to like a faster-paced book so keep that in mind when checking my ratings out.
Pacing points get docked in my book when the author takes unnecessary detours in the plot.
Did the author give unnecessary exposition that slowed the book down?
Category 6: Enjoyable
Did I LIKE reading this?
Did I feel like I was dragging myself through it?
Even if it was dark, did it still keep me captivated?
Note- I read a lot of horror books and psychological thrillers, so what I enjoy is subjective!
Category 7: Unputdownable
For me, not wanting to put a book down is the ultimate best quality.
Was I avoiding responsibilities to read this book?
Did I finish it in one sitting or did it take me a few weeks?
Category 8: Ending
Was everything wrapped up?
Any cool twists?
Was it too ambiguous or just ambiguous enough to enjoy?
Was the falling action after the climax an appropriate length? Way too long?
Category 9: Memorable
Will I remember this book?
Did it leave an emotional impact on me?
Is it already blending in with other recent reads?
Category 10: Stakes
Were there noticeable stakes here? Even if they were emotional instead of world-ending or saving?
Was there some YEARNING in this?
Were the characters fighting for something?
Bonus points: Obviously, some elements may help a book out so much they are worth bonus points. This could be a great use of a trope, being exceptionally swoon-worthy, being universally likable, and more
We use the following grading scale here at Ann-otated Books

Ann-otated Books Grading Scale
97-100: A+
93-96: A
90-92: A-
All A’s receive 5 stars on review sites.
87-89: B+
83-86: B
80-82: B-
All B’s receive 4 stars on review sites.
77-79: C+
73-76: C
70-72: C-
All C’s receive 3 stars on review sites.
67-69: D+
63-66: D
60-62: D-
ALL D’S receive 2 stars on review sites, or a review without any stars.
59 and below: F
Most likely, I would not finish a book like this, but if I did any F would receive 1 star on review sites or a review without any star. On StoryGraph, I will likely use the ability to score with decimals to show plusses and minuses (one of many reasons we love StoryGraph. I'm still a GoodReads girlie but StoryGraph is AMAZING!)
Things are always subject to change in the book world. Now you will have a better idea of what to expect from Ann-otated Books and our reviews!